Blest Sunday’s Inspirations

Meowllo evewypawdy and a happy and Blest Sunday to you all. Yep dat’s wight. It’s time fur ow weekly blest Sunday posty. And OMC Hav fings been on a woller coaster fur us this week. As you know it stawted out wiff Sissy goin’ to da office of torture on Monday and they made us wait all week fur da wesults. Mommy be tweatin’ sissy’s infection wiff sumfin’ naturwal till da Vet calls us back and purrscwibes sumfin’ else. A culture wuz posed to be dun on hers uwine but wiff all da incompetence weez sperienced fwum dat udder Vets office weez guessin’ they didn’t do it. So it’s pawsible dat we may hav to hav Lexi go in fur anudder uwinalysis. Mommy sure hopes not. And it’’s not just cuz of da gween papers, it’s cuz  sissy’s been poked enuff fur a bit mommy sez. So even tho’ this whole sperience wiff this udder Vet wuz pawful, weez coountin’ it as a blessin’ cuz we wuz able to finally get sissy’s wesults. And they be much better than we kuld have hoped fur. 

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Sis Lexi can purretty much eat whatever hers wants cuz hers nummews awe so good. Dat means dat maybe we can put sum weight back on her. So mommy’s actually lookin’ fur sum fattenin’ foods wight now. And weez also blest cuz da suppowt gwoup we joined is full of such pawsumly nice and helpful peeps and kitties goin fwu a lot of da same fings we awe. And we awe blest to have so many pawsum furiends and fwamily dat be purrayin’ fur sissy and mommy and me. Mommy sez dat’s why she finks sis Lexi be duin’ so good. Altho’ Lexi is complainin’ dat hers neck itches. Mommy told her dat wuz purrfectly nowmal wiff da fur gwoin’ back. And Lexi be pawfully glad it’s gwoin’ back cuz she sed they did a pawful shave job on her. It’s completely uneven and jagged. Well anyways, we sure do wanna fank all of ya’ fur yous continued purrayers and suppowt.

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Now me also wants to tell ya’ ‘bout this amazin’ award we weceived. Our wunnewful furiends Miss Janet and da Kitties blue over at da Cat on my head nominated us fur da Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Miss Janet sed we inspiwed her. (blushes) We all blushed when we wead dat. You know we be just a kupple little kuntwy kitties wiff a kuntwyfied mommy. So a meowsy big fank you Miss Janet and furmily. We be twuly honored to weceive this award and be in such amazin’ kumpny. And don’t furget da kitties blue host a selfies bloghop evewy Sunday. Honestly we don’t always join. And it’s not cuz we don’t wanna suppowt ‘em. It’s cuz mommy furgets most oof da time and we feel bad joinin’ up to sumfin’ dat weez not linked up too. How many times have we joined da Pet Pawade and furgot to link up. Mowe times than we can count dat’s how many. Anyways, join up wiff yous selfies today. Yous don’t have to be a kitty to join. You do have to hav a selfie tho’. MOL

 Sunday Selfies

Anyways, da wules fur da blog award awe to link back to da blogger dat gave it to ya’ and fank ‘em. Weez dun dat. Display da award on ow bloggy. Just look unnew this pawagwaff. Nominate 15 blogs dat inspire you and link to ‘em. Leave a comment on their blogs to let ‘em know you nominated them and list 3 things dat have inspired you in da last week. Now we know sum of ya’ don’t purrticipate in da awards purrocess of postin’ and passin’ along and all. So ifin yous one of those, dat’s fine, yous not have to pass it on. But fur us nominatin’ sumpawdy is ‘bout lettin’ you and udders know dat weez be inspired by you. So purrlease accept ow compliment even ifin yous not post da award.


Now on to ow nominees. 

1. Miss Ellen and da crew of 15 and meowin’  

2. Miss Barb and Nellie of My Cat from hell 

3. Mr. Pete and Timmy of da Tomcat Commentary

4. Miss Caren and Cody of Cat Chat with Caren

5. Noodle of Here Comes Noodle 

6. Miss Claire and Zorro and Pixie of da Swiss Cats

7. Miss Kat and da Katie Kats of Katies Furry Mews

8. Easy and hims amazin’ mommy of Easy Weimaraner

9. Miss Pam and Sammy of One Spoiled Cat 

10. Christy Paws  

11. Athena and Miss Marie of Athena Cat Goddess

12. Da bootyful Hannah and Lucy 

13. Basil da Bionic Cat 

14. Annabelle of Manx Mnews 

15. Jan of Jan’s Funny Farm  

All of you inspire us in so many different ways. And all of you we didn’t list inspire us too. Now weez post to list 3 things dat inspired us in da last week.

Da furst, mommy and me hav to say sis Lexi. She wuz put fwu da winger at da Vets office. Weez not exaggeratin’ when we say it wua a torture chamber. But fwu it all she wemained calm and mostly docile. She nevew attempted to bite or smacky paw or nuffin. Ifin dat ain’t awe inspiwin’ me don’t know what is.

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Da second fing we wuz inspiwed by wuz seein’ how da blogosphere and all it’s members ban togedder to shawe a kitty in need or show suppowt fur anudder hoo is experiencin’ loss or need.

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Da third fing dat inspiwed us this past week wuz da genewosity of ow furiends. You never cease to amaze us and inspire us wiff yous luv and suppowt and how much you twuly care. We have never known such devotion and fur dat we can never fank you enuff.

So till da next time……………………….Be Blest!!!


Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses  

Dezi and Lexi



56 thoughts on “Blest Sunday’s Inspirations

  1. Conkatss on thee luvley award Gurlss!! You surelee deeserve it….
    Yur Selfiess are beeuteefull…they show yur true beeutee ❤ ❤
    An yur rite Dezi…Lexi iss a reel troopurr an shee iss an innspirashun to us here!
    paw kissess Siddhartha Henry an LadyMum xxxxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yous deserve it Basil. Yous keep us laffin’ and cwyin’ and on da edge of ow seats most all da time. Ifin dat’s not inspiwin’ we don’t know what is. Fanks fur beiin’ ow furiends too.

      Luv ya’

      Dezi and Lexi


  2. Beautiful selfies of both of you. Congratulations on your award! We are so happy to hear that Lexi’s results came back better than you could hope for and will continue our purrs and prayers for her. Have a wonderful week Dezi, Lexi and Mommy!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Concats to you all on your award! We are glad to know you have joined with some support groups. You can get lots of good info about issues in them.

    We hope Lexi gains some weight, and can you purray that Minko does too?
    Maybe Pipo would be willing to share some of his extra poundage around. MOL!

    Sending lots of purrs, and pawyers, too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Fank you and weez purray fur y’all daily and have been purrayin’ extwa fur Minko to ain weight and get better fur a while and will keep on.

      Luv ya’

      Dezi and Lexi


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